Monday, November 3, 2008

Halloween Festivities

We all had a wonderful Halloween weekend.  Filled with lots of treats and spooky Halloween fun!  Trick or treating was fun.  Lane got lots of goodies and even got to pet a cute little puppy.  Although he did get a little tired towards the end and had to be carried between houses, he was very enthusiastic during the whole experience.  Evelyn relaxed in the stroller, studying her brother's technique so she can get treats next year.  Lane could not wait until we got home to start enjoying his treats so he had about three on the way home.  Once we got home we let him indulge a bit and he was allowed a couple more pieces.  He was bouncing off the walls for a bit and then went to bed without opposition.  He may have chocolate withdraws once all his treats are gone.

We concluded our Halloween weekend by spending time with our family.  Megan and Brolin had everyone over for a family party.  Their home was full of wonderfully spooky Halloween decorations!  As soon as we walked up to the front door, we were greeted by a life size talking mummy.  Lane thought he was funny, but after a couple minutes he wasn't quite sure what to think.  And through out the evening Lane kept saying "want to mummy" which translates to I don't want to be near the mummy.  Then as we were leaving Lane was doing impressions of the mummy and was cracking up because Brolin was pretending to punch the mummy.  Lane thought this was extremely funny and did impressions of Uncle Brolin punching the mummy on the way home.
The food was delicious and included Brunswick stew, homemade mac and cheese, hot cider and carmel covered pear pieces that were decorated to look like mice.  The carmel was made by Brolin from scratch!  Very impressive and delicious.  We all had a wonderful time.

This is off the subject but I want to let everyone know that you can now comment without registering.  A couple readers have inquired about difficulties commenting, so I've changed the setting to allow for easy commenting.  I love hearing from everyone and welcome all comments! 

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