There's a new addition to our family. Her name is Bella and she is a 5 month old Boxer. She is so sweet and spunky, but likes to sleep. The kids and Justin love her and I must admit she has a spot in my heart as well. Sweet Bella is a welcome addition to our family.
Trick-or-treating was so cute this year. Evie and Lane were little troopers. Lane went as the Transformer, Optimus Prime, and Evelyn was sweet as can be as Little Red Riding Hood. We walked the neighborhood and went house to house. By the 3rd house they had this whole trick-or-treating business down. The kids were great. They said "thank you" to everyone who gave them candy. Evie just about melted a heart with her soft and sweet, "tank-ooh." I was surprised at their endurance. I guess being a kid and fueled and motivated by candy one can endure anything. At one point in time they were running to each house...I could barely keep up. And all along the way Evie was eating candy. I learned that she is a big fan of Kit-Kats. And Lane loves Laffy Taffy. Once we were home, the costumes were off and the candy was dumped onto the table. Then the indulgence began. After about five minutes of this free for all, they got to choose two pieces and the rest was put away for tomorrow. It was a wonderful experience taking Lane and Evelyn trick-or-treating, I enjoyed every minute with our precious trick-or-treaters. Next year we may have to leave the bowl of candy on the porch so both Justin and I can take the kids out.
Lane and Evelyn had a fun week of crafts. They decorated mini-pumpkins with their playgroup. Lane's is on the left, the one with all the transportation stickers. Evelyn's is full of flowers. Then it was a special Halloween edition of story time at the library. During one of the Halloween themed book readings, the story teller had asked the group to make a scary monster sound. To my surprise Evelyn's monster noise was the loudest and scariest of the bunch. After the reading it was craft time. Lane did an excellent job making this bat mobile. We decided that Lane needed a special place for all his school work, craft projects and found objects. So we came up with the festive rope. Here Lane is "working." Notice his safety scissors and stylish sunglasses.
Lane and Evelyn did a wonderful job of choosing the pumpkins. Two small ones for a craft project and one very large one for our jack-o-lantern. Lane and Justin using the carving tools. Lane waited all week to use these tools. He was loving this. But not loving the pumpkin guts so much. Justin, the precision carver. Our jack-o-lantern. Lane and Justin did most the carving while Evie and I mostly observed. Lots of fun to carve such a large pumpkin! I'll be making pumpkin seeds tomorrow.
Hello! My name is Liz. I'm a Mommy to two beautiful sweet babies, Lane and Evelyn. We recently moved from Michigan to the much warmer Georgia. We have been enjoying and adapting to life in a new state. I've created this blog to share our adventures with loved ones.